- What is Attractions Mobile Coupons?
- Attractions Mobile Coupons is a mobile site for your phone that allows you to search and explore our online coupon options. You get all the search features and information with the Mobile App once it is downloaded to your phone. To access actual coupons, just pay $25 for a 100 pack of coupons of your choice. Once you’ve purchased coupons, you have access to offers from all of our 22 editions. Example: If you live in Raleigh but travel to the beach, you can use several coupons from the Raleigh area and when you are at the beach, you can use coupons from that area through the Mobile App. The content available is similar to our our coupon books but instead of tearing out a coupon, you redeem a certificate by showing an image on your phone.
- What is the benefit to me?
- Attractions Mobile Coupons has all the great savings of the Attractions book with the added convenience of being right on your phone. Attractions Mobile Coupons make it easy to save money whenever you are dining or shopping, because you'll always have the coupons you need on hand. With great search features, you can find your favorite businesses quickly, or you can choose to search for nearby businesses and find discounts wherever you are.
- Can I use coupons from multiple editions?
- Yes, you can easily switch between editions in the app and that will change the list of available offers. Using your Safari locations service, you can find merchants anywhere you travel.
- How do I get Nearby Merchants to load?
- If using an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings, then Privacy, then Location Services. Scroll down and choose Safari, check “While Using App”.
- How are offers redeemed?
- When it is time to pay, click the redeem button in Attractions Mobile Coupons. A special image will be loaded. Show the image to the merchant. If the image is loaded too soon, it can still be loaded again for up to an hour without using another redemption. Once the merchant has redeemed your coupon, it is used up - just like the paper coupons from the book.
- What if I change phones or phone companies?
- Your account is not linked to specific hardware. You can use any device you like that meets the minimum requirements.
- Does access to Attractions Mobile Coupons come with my purchase of the book?
- Yes but you do not need to buy the book to use Attractions Mobile Coupons and enjoy its features. To receive additional coupons of your choice from any of our 22 editions through Attractions Mobile Coupons, purchase more by clicking "Purchase Coupons."
- After I redeem all the offers in Attractions Mobile Coupons that came with my book, can I purchase more and will the coupons I have already used become available again?
- You can purchase as many coupon packs as you want. The coupons you have already redeemed will not become available again due to agreements we have with participating merchants. You will have access to any other available offer of your choosing.
- How do I enable cookies on an iPhone or iPad (Safari)?
- Press the home button and exit your browser. Find the 'Settings' button on the home screen. In the list that comes up, scroll down to 'Safari'. In the 'Safari' settings, under 'Privacy' change 'Accept Cookies' to either 'From visited' (Recommended) or 'Always'.
- What is the Online Edition?
- This is a savings guide for families based directly on Attractions Dining and Value Guide books. Almost all of the content is the same, but instead of tearing out a coupon, you 'redeem' a certificate by showing the special image on the screen.
- How do I purchase the Online Edition?
- The Online Edition has been merged with Attractions Mobile Coupons. All your offers can be redeemed from Attractions Mobile Coupons, either by printing them out or redeeming them on the screen of a mobile device. You have the flexibility to do either at anytime.
- Can I use it without purchasing coupons?
- Yes! You can find great places to save money anywhere you go! Attractions Mobile Coupons can be used in conjunction with your purchase of our Attractions Dining and Value Guide. Use the Nearby Locations feature to find places in our book within 2 miles of your current location. Then use the certificates from the book for the places you find! You can browse everything that’s offered in the Mobile App and Online Editions for all of our 22 locations.